Blakemore Group, Summer 2024

The Blakemore Laboratory

Inspired by the pursuit of sustainability, our group studies mechanisms of redox-induced chemical reactions, particularly those involving actinides, lanthanides, and carbon dioxide. We draw on perspectives from inorganic/organometallic chemistry, molecular electrochemistry, and surface science.


8 July 2024 – This week, James attended the annual meeting of the American Crystallographic Association and participated in a workshop on the Shelxle program for structure refinement. Thanks to Matthias Zeller, Ashley Weiland, Christian Hübschle, and Michael Ruf for leading the workshop, and congratulations to our collaborator Allen Oliver on his leadership of the event during his presidency of the ACA!

17 June 2024 – This week, James attended the 3rd International Conference on Noncovalent Interactions in Belgrade, Serbia. James presented an Invited Talk on use of tailored ligands to immobilize metal complexes on electrode surfaces. Thanks to Prof. Dr. Snežana Zarić for the invitation and the opportunity to re-connect with colleagues from around the world at this great meeting. 

6 May 2024 – Graduate student Fynn Cooper has been named the 2024 SCI America Perkin Medal Scholar! This award, given by SCI America, has been bestowed upon Fynn on the occasion of Dr. Max McDaniel, eminent chemist and Senior Fellow Scientist at Chevron Phillips Chemical, being named the 2024 Perkin Medal recipient. Fynn was nominated for the Scholar award by Dr. McDaniel, who was given the opportunity to name a worthy graduate student for the award. Fynn is the graduate student in our group that currently leads the ongoing collaboration with CPChem, and will be presented with the award at the Perkin Medal dinner in Philadelphia in September. SCI America is a part of the Society of Chemical Industry’s international organization  Congratulations, Max and Fynn!

5 April 2024 – Congratulations to Cecilia Paranjothi on being named a 2024 Goldwater Scholar! The Goldwater Scholarship is the most prestigious undergraduate scholarship given in the natural sciences, engineering and mathematics in the United States.  Congratulations, Cecilia!

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You cannot step into the same river twice, for fresh waters are ever flowing in upon you. – Heraclitus


The best of all pleasures [is] collaborating on scientific work with friends. – E. Teller