
Molecular Influences on the Quantification of Lewis Acidity with Phosphine Oxide Probes

21 March 2023 - Riddhi Golwankar, Davis Curry, Cecilia Paranjothi, James Blakemor - Inorganic Chemistry

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Inorganic Chemistry 2023 Cover

Evidence for Charge Delocalization in Diazafluorene Ligands Supporting Low-Valent [Cp*Rh] Complexes

10 January 2022, Wade Henke, Jonah Stiel, Victor Day, and James Blakemore, Chemistry A European Journal

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Evidence for Charge Delocalization in Diazafluorene Ligands Supporting Low-Valent [Cp*Rh] Complexes

Promotion and Tuning of the Electrochemical Reduction of Hetero- and Homobimetallic Zinc Complexes

12 May 2021, Shaun Kelsey, Amit Kumar, Allen Oliver, Victor Day, and James Blakemore, ChemElectroChem

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Promotion and Tuning of the Electrochemical Reduction f Hetero and Homobimetallic Zinc Complexs

Synthesis, structural studies, and redox chemistry of bimetallic [Mn(CO)3] and [Re(CO)3] complexes

12 January 2021, Wade Henke, Tyler Kerr, Thomas Sheridan, Lawrence Henling, Michael Takase, Victor Day, Harry Gray, and James Blakemore, Dalton Transactions

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Synthesis structural studies and redox chemistry of bimetallic MnCO3 and ReCO3 complexs

Enhancing Molecular Electrocatalysis of CO2 Reduction with Pressure-Tunable CO2-Expanded Electrolytes

9 November 2020, David Sconyers, Charles Shaughnessy, Hyun-Jin Lee, Bala Subramaniam, Kevin Leonard, and James Blakemore, ChemSusChem

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Enhancing Molecular Electrocatalsis of CO2 Reduction with Pressure Tunable CO2Expanded Electrolytes

Insights into pressure tunable reaction rates for electrochemical reduction of CO2 in organic electrolytes

13 February 2020, Charles Shaughnessy, David Sconyers, Hyun-Jin Lee, Bala Subramaniam, James Blakemore, and Kevin Leonard, Green Chemistry

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Insights inot pressure tunable reaction rates for electrochemical reduction of CO2 in organic electrolytes

Structural and chemical properties of half-sandwich rhodium complexes supported by the bis(2-pyridyl)methane ligand

28 May 2019, Davide Lionetti, Victor Day, James Blakemore, Dalton Transactions

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Structural and chemical properties of half sandwich rhodium complexes supported by the bis2 pyridyl methane ligand

Distinguishing deposition, corrosion, and stripping of transient heterogeneous materials during molecular electrocatalysis

25 March 2019, David Sconyers and James Blakemore, Dalton Transactions

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Distinguishing deposition corrosiion and stripping of transient heterogeneous materials during molecular electrocatalysis

Intensified Electrocatalytic CO2 Conversion in Pressure-Tunable CO2-Expanded Electrolytes

6 June 2019, Charles Shaughnessy, David Sconyers, Tyler Kerr, Hyun-Jin Lee, Bala Subramaniam, Kevin Leonard, James Blakemore, ChemSusChem

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Intensified electrocatalyitc co2 conversion in pressure tunable co2 expanded electrolytes

Preparation, Characterization, and Electrochemical Activation of a Model [Cp*Rh] Hydride

26 September 2018, Emily Boyd, Davide Lionetti, Wade Henke, Victor Day, and James Blakemore, Inorganic Chemistry

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Preparation characterization and electrochemical activation of a model cpRh hydride

Single-Electron Redox Chemistry on the [Cp*Rh] Platform Enabled by a Nitrated Bipyridyl Ligand

2 November 2018, William Moore, Wade Henke, Davide Lionetti, Victor Day, and James Blakemore, Molecules

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Single electron redox chemistry on the cpRh platform enabled by a nitrated bipyridyl ligand

Multiple binding modes of an unconjugated bis(pyridine) ligand stabilize low-valent [Cp*Rh] complexes

20 December 2017, Davide Lionetti, Victor Day, Benedikt Lassalle-Kaiser, and James Blakemore, Chemical Communications

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Multiple binding modes of an unconjugated bis pyridine ligand stabilize low valent cpRh complexes

Trivalent Lewis Acidic Cations Govern the Electronic Properties and Stability of Heterobimetallic Complexes of Nickel

2 January 2018, Amit Kumar, Davide Lionetti, Victor Day, James Blakemore, Chemistry A European Journal

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Tribalent lewis acidic cations govern the electronic properties and stability of heteobimetallic complexes of nickel